
2 years, 1 month ago #4074

It is required to understand a few core stuff… about what will happen if someone tries to import a new demo on an already existing demo.

1. Manual theme design depends on “Manual Options” until and unless there is no direct customization done manually on the Manual theme core file. So when you import the new demo on an already existing demo the first section that gets overwritten will be “Manual Options”. (so before you re-import anything it is necessary to take the backup of “Manual Options” so that if anything happens you can immediately re-store the manual theme design.)

2. For the images no data will be lost instead new images and files will be added (if new import files has any).

3. For the post_type “pages/post/knowledgebase/documentation/faq” nothing will be changed all will remain the same i.e, no file overwrite will take place, BUT surely the new demo files will be added like the demo “home page”, faq articles, knowledgebase articles…

4. For “Appearance > Wiget” if any new widget is used then it will get added to the list.

5. Finally “Appearance > Menu” the new menu gets added to the list. So it is strongly required to delete the added files.

To max possible from the upcoming new version. The manual theme will have a new feature inside “Manual Theme > Import” from where the user can import ONLY the page design OR ONLY the theme new design of the selected demo. Also, there will be a page designs template available for import on the page builder plugin “Elementor and WpBakery”.
