How to export Manual custom post types to CPTUI

  • steve31266
    1 year, 1 month ago #4706

    My website is currently designed using Manual. I want to redesign my website by building a new template from scratch. I want to use the CPTUI plugin to create the custom post types (knowledgebase, documentation, etc.) However, how do I export Manual’s custom post types and content into CPTUI? I have already tried installing CPTUI, but it won’t allow me to create the same slug “knowledgebase” because it already exists.

    1 year, 1 month ago #4707

    We haven’t tested CPTUI yet, so we’re not familiar with its functionality. However, we can provide you with a general idea of the process. Begin by navigating to Tools > Export and export the ‘Knowledge Base’ and ‘Documentation’ content. After exporting, proceed to ‘Plugin > Install Plugins.’ Deactivate the ‘Manual Framework (Post Type)’ plugin and attempt to create custom post types (e.g., knowledge base, documentation). This should work effectively.

    1 year, 1 month ago #4710

    Thanks for the reply. I don’t want to export the site to a different domain or host. I just want to redesign the website using my own template and using CPTUI. When I install CPTUI, it will not let me create the same “knowledgebase” slug because it already exists. I don’t want to use a new slug because that will break all inbound links from other websites. What I want to do is create the same knowledgebase post type in CPTUI, and have it recognize all of the existing knowledgebase post types in Manual.

    1 year, 1 month ago #4711

    I guess the better question is how do I delete the “knowledgebase” and “documentation” register_post_type() call? In what file is this call located in the Theme Editor?

    I have also created an additional slug in the portfolio called, “camping”, I need to delete that too, so that I can re-register all three using CPT UI.

    1 year, 1 month ago #4720

    Apologies for the wait. There are two crucial areas that require your attention:

    1. In the plugin directory ‘plugins/manual-framework/post-type,’ you’ll find all the custom post_type references.

    2. Navigate to the theme directory ‘themes/manual/framework/ReduxCore/manual,’ where the slug name and various other settings for the custom post_type are linked.

    Adjusting these two sections should help you accomplish your intended goal.

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