Import Data

  • Lee
    2 years, 10 months ago #3029

    Hi there,

    Purchased your manual theme, it looks amazing and can’t wait to use it, only problem is the for some reason the activation link isn’t working. When I click the green “activate licence” button, it opens a new window, that closes very quickly, then a green circle is seen rotating and that’s it.

    I used the envato plugin, imputed my keys etc, that doesn’t work either.

    Is there any possibility that you could send me the xml’s, wei’s and dats if there are any.

    Thanks in advance, Lee

    2 years, 10 months ago #3030

    OK all sorted, think it’s a bug with Firefox, I tried with Edge, and it worked perfectly.

    2 years, 10 months ago #3031

    Thank you for the update.

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