I want to control the default template.

  • KENT
    1 year, 6 months ago #4172

    When applying the default template to a post, I would like to remove the display of the search box on the right side and features such as “Recent Posts”.

    While I was able to control the header height etc. by going to [Manual Options] > [Page Title Bar] > [Default – Theme Title Bar], where can I control the area on the right side of the page?

    Thank you for your response.

    1 year, 6 months ago #4174

    Referring to the response I received here: https://smartwpthemes.com/forums/topic/manual-digital-layout/, I was able to remove unnecessary widgets by going to [Appearance] > [Widget] > [Primary Area]!

    Is it not possible to delete the area itself?

    1 year, 6 months ago #4175

    During the installation of WordPress, certain widgets such as search and recent posts are automatically generated, and as a result, cannot be deleted automatically.

    1 year, 6 months ago #4182

    Thank you for your response!
    I understand that it cannot be deleted due to the specifications.
    No problem.

    Thank you for your support!

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